Memory Ukulele Chords by Windser

Hello Ukulelians, Today we are coming with Memory Ukulele Chords with their beautiful lyrics. This beautiful song was performed by Windser. It is a very easy song to play on the ukulele. Just follow the chords and song lyrics. Also, we recommend you, listen to this song at least a few times for better understanding.

This song Memory is on the “Db ” key and We are using Ab Bbm Db Fm Gb chords progression for playing the ukulele. If you want to check the chords diagram then you can follow our “Ukulele Chords” Article where we are giving the ultimate guide about all the basic chords. is the platform where you can find all the Ukulele Chords, Songs, and All related information about Ukulele. Check out our website for other content and guides.

  • Song Name: Memory
  • Artist: Windser
  • Chords: Ab Bbm Db Fm Gb
  • Key: Db

Memory Ukulele Chords

Tone: [Db]
Verse 1:
[Db] You can’t turn b[Bbm]back the clocks [Fm]
When[Fm]Whenever you want to
[Db] The world is c[Bbm]changing it won’t sto[Fm]stop
[Fm]Even when it’s supposed to
[Db] All of the f[Bbm]friends you had befo[Fm]before [Fm]
Are[Db] raindrops just f[Bbm]alling at your do[Fm]or [Fm]
Every word you [Gb]said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head
Like a video[Gb]videotape [Ab]
It’s just a [Db]memory slipping aw[Gb]away
Echoes in the [Gb]dark fading where we a[Ab]are [Db] [Bbm]
Every word you [Gb]said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head
Instrumental -x2-: | Db | Bbm | Fm | Fm |
Verse 2:
[Db] The future’s h[Bbm]here and then it’s go[Fm]gone
[Fm]Like another sunrise
[Db] The light is b[Bbm]blinding when it’s on[Fm]on
[Fm]Living just for tonight
[Db] All of the f[Bbm]friends I had befo[Fm]before [Fm]
Are[Db] raindrops just f[Bbm]alling at my do[Fm]or [Fm]
Every word you [Gb]said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head
Like a video[Gb]videotape [Ab]
It’s just a [Db]memory slipping aw[Gb]away
Echoes in the [Gb]dark fading where we a[Ab]are [Db] [Bbm]
Every word you [Gb]said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head
[Gb] All of the f[Ab]friends you had befo[Db]before [Gb]
[Gb] Raindrops just f[Ab]falling at your do[Db]door [Gb]
Every word you[Gb]you said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head
Like a video[Gb]videotape [Ab]
It’s just a [Db]memory slipping aw[Gb]away
Echoes in the [Gb]dark fading where we a[Ab]are [Db] [Bbm]
Every word you [Gb]said [Ab]
Is just a [Db]memory stuck in my h[Gb]head

F.A.Q’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

Que 1: How to play Memory on the ukulele?

Answer: You can easily play this song on the ukulele. You have to just follow the chords and lyrics which we have given in this article. Also, make sure you are not pre beginner who doesn’t know about the chords and basics of the ukulele.

Que 2: What are the Chords of Memory?

Answer: The chords of the song are “ Ab Bbm Db Fm Gb “. If you want to check how to use these chords in the song then you can check them up in the article.

Que 3: How to find easy ukulele chords of the Songs?

Answer: The best way to find easy ukulele chords of any song is our website where you can find any language or any genre song chords in a simple way.

Que 4: Is a ukulele easy to learn?

The ukulele is easier to learn than the guitar and other stringed instruments like the mandolin. Its soft nylon strings are gentler on your fingertips and don’t create finger pain like guitars do. … Plus, it only has four strings, which makes chord shapes and scales easier to learn.

Easy Ukulele Songs

Hope you enjoy the playing of the ukulele with this Memory Ukulele Chords. If any queries about these chords then Let us know. We will definitely back to you. Also, Keep up the hard work and bookmark this page so that you can return to it when you need a refresher.

Note: This song arrangement is our own work. We are not promoting any song or violating any copyrights. It’s only for educational purposes. Thank You!!!

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